American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Aims and Scope

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, a quarterly, peer reviewed publication and is dedicated for publication of research articles in the field of biology of animals and with the scientific understanding of how animals work: from the physiology and biochemistry of tissues and major organ systems down to the structure and function of bio molecules and cells; particular emphasis would given to the studies of growth, reproduction, nutrition and lactation of farm and companion animals and how these processes may be optimized to improve animal re- productivity, health and welfare. Articles in support areas, such as genetics, soils, agricultural economics and marketing, legal aspects and the environment also are encouraged. AJAVS is an important source of researcher to study articles on protection of animal production practices, herd health and monitoring the spread of disease and prevention in both domestic and wild animals.

Research ArticleOpen Access
Aruzhan Nugmanova, Aliya Akhmetaliyeva, Yedige Nassambayev, Alzhan Shamshidin, Askar Nametov, Aidana Doszhanova, Rukhan Kulbayev and Yerkingali Batyrgaliyev
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2024, 257-264
Published: 26 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Arjun Kulkarni, Bhavana N. V., Teena Mary Thomas, Archana S., Mercy Jennis Pramod, Ramesh Jangra, Jyothsna A. Rao and Gururaj Rao
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2024, 240-246
Published: 13 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Madumetja Cyril Mathapo, Ramaisela Barley Mthembu, Albino Joas Tsenane, Thabang Sako and Thobela Louis Tyasi
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2024, 226-232
Published: 12 July 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Thabang Sako, Jones Ng’ambi, Thomas Raphulu , Julius Sebei, Kabelo Madia and Thobela Louis Tyasi
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2024, 233-239
Published: 26 June 2024
Research ArticleOpen Access
Ana Sofía Mejía-Villada, Maria José Arenas-González, Carolina Ríos Usuga, Lina María Rendón Ramos, Ingrid Lorena Jaramillo Delgado and Jaiberth Antonio Cardona-Arias
American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2024, 218-225
Published: 11 June 2024