Research Article Open Access

Study the Efficacy of Different Concentrations of Coconut Water on Boar Semen Following Equilibration at 18°C for Different Hours

Mduduzi M. Tshabalala1, Masindi L. Mphaphathi1, Thivhilaheli R. Netshirovha2, Khathutshedzo A. Nephawe3, Cyril M. Pilane1 and Lucky Nedambale3
  • 1 Agricultural Research Council, Animal Production, Germplasm Conservation and Reproductive Biotechnologies Laboratory, Pretoria, South Africa
  • 2 College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, University of South Africa, Florida Campus, Florida, South Africa
  • 3 Department of Animal Science, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa


A rich natural resourcesuch as Coconut Water (CCW) features high concentrations of antioxidants,nutrients, amino acids, sugars, and electrolytes. These herbal extractinfusions are used in semen extenders to preserve animal sperm. In addition,CCW is important for in vitro productionof embryos. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of coconutwater as an alternative bulking agent for boar semen after equilibration at 18°for 8, 16, 24, and 48 h. Three 2- to 3-year-old Large White x Landrace boarswere used for semen collection, boar semen was collected by a glove and handtechnique, 24 ejaculates were collected and this study was replicated eighttimes. A complete randomized design was used in this study. Data were analyzedby ANOVA using Stata V12 statistical software (Stata Corp., College Station,Tex.) and treatment measures were separated using Fisher's protected t-test atsignificance values of P<0.05.Sperm diluted in 60% CCW and equilibrated for 8 h showed improved spermmotility (86.1±1.7), percentage of viable sperm (84.5±20), plasma membrane(83.3±2.3), and acrosome integrity (84.00±2.13) compared to boar semen diluted with 80 and 100% CCW. Notably, semendiluted in 80 and 100% CCW and equilibrated for 8 h showed improved sperm motility(76.2±2.5; 63.5±2.7), viable sperm (74.5±2.0; 63.3±2.1), intact plasma membrane(73.3±23; 63.5±2.0) and acrosomal membrane integrity after equilibration(74.0±2.1; 63.5±2.7). However, sperm diluted in 80 and 100% CCW had reducedsperm motility, viability, and plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity after 8,16, 24 and 48 h of equilibration at 18°C. In conclusion,equilibrated boar semen diluted with 60% CCW was able to maintain boar semenparameters such as sperm motility, viability, plasma membrane, and acrosomalmembrane integrity following 8, 16, 24, and 48 of equilibration at 18°C.However, CCW can be used as an alternative extender for the equilibration ofboar semen. Therefore, further studies are necessary to determine the in vitro and in vivo fertilizing capacity of equilibrium boar semen diluted inCCW.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Volume 17 No. 4, 2022, 281-287


Submitted On: 30 September 2021 Published On: 23 November 2022

How to Cite: Tshabalala, M. M., Mphaphathi, M. L., Netshirovha, T. R., Nephawe, K. A., Pilane, C. M. & Nedambale, L. (2022). Study the Efficacy of Different Concentrations of Coconut Water on Boar Semen Following Equilibration at 18°C for Different Hours. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 17(4), 281-287.

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  • Acrosome Integrity
  • Boar Semen
  • Coconut Water
  • Equilibration
  • Sperm Viability Plasma Membrane Integrity