Research Article Open Access

Production of Male-Sterility Mouse by Resection of the Tail Epididymis

Xianju Huang1, Xuguang Wang1, Xueshan Ma1, Nazim Ally1 and Honglin Liu1
  • 1 Nanjing Agricultural University, China


Problem statement: Sterile males are bred with females to produce pseudopregnant recipients for oviduct and uterine transfers. Therefore, to make a sterile male mouse maybe the fist and fundamental procedure for embryo transfer. However, when people produce a sterile male mouse always abandon the sperm of the excellent male mouse. Approach: Here, the authrous present an efficient and simple procedure utilizing specific methods that make a sterile male mouse by resection of the caudal epididymis meanwhile collect sperm from the caudal epididymis for in vitro fertilization and then cauterize the vestigial epididymis to produce sterile male mouse. The experimental males and females are all normal mouse. Results: (1) The in vitro fertilization to cater to the demand of the mount of embryo for oviduct and uterine transfers and the sterile mouse are prepare for mate with female to produce pseudopregnant recipients for oviduct and uterine transfers; (2) Accessing the caudal epididymis through the scrotal sac has less invasive with mouse. Conclusion/Recommendations: Ablating the caudal epididymis of male mice has not reduced the achievement rate of copulation and reconversion. In vitro fertilization to harvester embryo can use for embryo and other preparing experiment.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Volume 7 No. 2, 2012, 75-79


Submitted On: 19 April 2012 Published On: 18 July 2012

How to Cite: Huang, X., Wang, X., Ma, X., Ally, N. & Liu, H. (2012). Production of Male-Sterility Mouse by Resection of the Tail Epididymis. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 7(2), 75-79.

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  • Sterile male mouse
  • the caudal epididymis