Investigation Open Access

The Influence of Bioorganic Preparations and Mineral Fertilizers to the Productivity and Quality of Beetroot in the Subsurface Irrigation in the South-East of Kazakhstan

Temirzhan Yerkassovich Aitbayev1, Bekzat Abiyevich Turegeldiyev2, Laura Abdireevna Buribayeva1, Akbope Temirzhanovna Aitbayeva1 and Birzhan Sultanuly Rakhymzhanov1
  • 1 Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing, Republic of Kazakhstan, 040917, Nauryz Street 1, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Kazakh National Agrarian University, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010, Abai avenue, 8, Almaty City, Kazakhstan


Vegetables are valuable sources of vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts. In Kazakhstan, the consumption rate of vegetables per person is 120 kg per year, where 8 kg is beetroot. Beetroot cultivated area is 7,000 hectares. The yield is 150,000 tons, and the demand is 144,000 tons. Beetroot is one of the most popular and all year round vegetable that used in food. Despite the high biological potential (40-50 t/ha), the yield of beetroot is low (20-22 t/ha). The main reasons are deterioration of soil fertility and mineral consumption of the crop. Along with the increase in the productivity of beetroot, it is also necessary to improve the quality, especially the ecological purity of the crop. There is carried out experiments on the effect of various bioorganic preparations and mineral fertilizers on the yield, quality and storing quality of beetroots in KazRIPaVG. The goal of the experiment is to increase the yield, quality and environmental cleanliness of the products. Research methods are generally accepted in vegetable growing and agrochemistry. There was found an increase in the productivity of the crop to 10.9-38.4%. Also, there was noted improved quality and conservation of beetroot from many types of bioorganic fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers showed a high effect in subsurface irrigation. In addition, 15.6-46.3% of beetroot was obtained. The highest production (37.6 t/ha) was provided by the fertilizer N150P90K120.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 18 No. 3, 2018, 263-269


Submitted On: 21 October 2017 Published On: 10 January 2018

How to Cite: Aitbayev, T. Y., Turegeldiyev, B. A., Buribayeva, L. A., Aitbayeva, A. T. & Rakhymzhanov, B. S. (2018). The Influence of Bioorganic Preparations and Mineral Fertilizers to the Productivity and Quality of Beetroot in the Subsurface Irrigation in the South-East of Kazakhstan. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 18(3), 263-269.

  • 1 Citations



  • Beetroot
  • Bioorganic Preparations
  • Mineral Fertilizers
  • Subsurface Irrigation
  • Ecology
  • Yield
  • Quality
  • Storing Quality