Research Article Open Access

Impact of Absorbing Agent on Moisture Reserves of Winter Wheat in the Conditions of Semiprovided Dry Farming Land of the South-East of Kazakhstan

Laila Klimovna Tabynbayeva1, Serik Barmenbekovich Kenenbayev2, Meiramgul Shagievna Suleimenova2, Nurlan Kairbekovich Tinibayev2 and Vasiliy Sergeevich Boiko3
  • 1 Noncommercial Corporation Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan, 050010, Almaty, Abay Avenue 8, Kazakhstan
  • 2 LLPKazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production, Kazakhstan, 040909, Kazakhstan Almaty Oblast, Karasay Region, Village Almalybak, Erlepesov Street 1, Kazakhstan
  • 3 FSSI "Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture" Russia, 644012, Omsk, 26 Koroleva Avenue, Russia


In the conditions of dry-land farming, the leading factor of productivity, which is minimal, is moisture. Soil moisture directly influences the growth of plants by means of aeration, transfer of nutrient substances, absorption and transformation. The main crop acreage of the spike cereals in the south-east of Kazakhstan is located in dry farming lands that are characterized as dry and semidry, which means the region has a water deficit. The lack of natural moisture reserves, especially in dry years, as a rule, is one of the main reasons for the reduction in yields of winter wheat, which is the leading crop of non irrigated farming. The objective of this research is to determine the impact of the absorbing agent" Aquasorb" on the moisture reserve of soil and the yield of winter wheat. The research was performed in the field stationary land lot of the Kazakh Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production in the conditions of the semi provided dry farming land in the south-east of Kazakhstan. The field test was performed by means of applying the famous water-retaining absorbing agent "Aquasorb" before seeding winter wheat. The following application rates of the absorbing agent were used in the test: 0,20,40 kg/ha and their combination with the nitrogen top dressing in the dose N45. The results of the research revealed that the absorbing agent applied in the soil improved significantly the provision of winter wheat plants with the available moisture during the vegetation period and also made it possible to efficiently use the moisture for the formation of high yield.

OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 No. 2, 2017, 35-39


Submitted On: 24 February 2017 Published On: 27 May 2017

How to Cite: Tabynbayeva, L. K., Kenenbayev, S. B., Suleimenova, M. S., Tinibayev, N. K. & Boiko, V. S. (2017). Impact of Absorbing Agent on Moisture Reserves of Winter Wheat in the Conditions of Semiprovided Dry Farming Land of the South-East of Kazakhstan. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 17(2), 35-39.

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  • Winter Wheat
  • Absorbing Agent
  • Moisture Provision
  • Yield