Research Article Open Access

Placebo-Driven Clinical Trials of Transfer Point Glucan #300 in Children with Chronic Respiratory Problems: Antibody Production

Vetvicka Vaclav1, Richter Josef2, Svozil Vladimir3, Rajnohova Dobiasova Lucie2 and Kral Vlastimil2
  • 1 University of Louisville, United States
  • 2 Regional Institute of Public Health, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
  • 3 Sanatorium Edel, Zlaté Hory, Czech Republic


The role of glucan in stimulation of immune reactions has been well-established. In this report, we focused on the antibody production in glucan-supplemented children with chronic respiratory problems. We measured the levels of salivary IgA, IgM and IgG in 40 children aged 8-12 years and evaluated the effects of 100 mg d-1 oral dose of glucan. We found a significant increase in production of all tested antibodies in the glucan-stimulated group, but a decrease of antibody production in the control group. A thirty-day oral application of yeast-based natural immunomodulator β-glucan strongly stimulated the mucosal immunity of children with chronic respiratory problems.

American Journal of Immunology
Volume 9 No. 2, 2013, 43-47


Submitted On: 17 May 2013 Published On: 5 June 2013

How to Cite: Vaclav, V., Josef, R., Vladimir, S., Lucie, R. D. & Vlastimil, K. (2013). Placebo-Driven Clinical Trials of Transfer Point Glucan #300 in Children with Chronic Respiratory Problems: Antibody Production. American Journal of Immunology, 9(2), 43-47.

  • 24 Citations



  • Glucan
  • Children
  • Mucosal Immunity
  • IgA
  • IgM
  • IgG