Research Article Open Access

Novel Prefix Tri-Literal Word Analyser: Rule-Based Approach

Mohammed M. Abu Shquier1 and Khaled M. Alhawiti1
  • 1 University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia


Arabic stemming is a technique to find the stem or lexical root for Arabic words through the process of eliminating affixes (preffixes, infixes and suffixes) attached to their roots. Several approaches have been implemented to generate the stem of Arabic words according to a certain level of analysis, i.e., root-based approach, stem-based approach and statistical approach. Arabic language is a Semitic language which means that it is a derivational rather than a concatinative language. In this study we designed and implemented an Arabic triliteral Morphological Analyser that is capable of analysing the classical and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) effectively with the capability of analysing vowelised, semi-vowelised and nonvowelised text. The system is integratable with other applications so that vast number of people can get benfited from. One shortcomming for the developed system is that the output obtained from the morphological analyser may contain several alternative solutions which leads to extraction ambiguity.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 11 No. 4, 2015, 627-638


Submitted On: 31 July 2014 Published On: 27 June 2015

How to Cite: Abu Shquier, M. M. & Alhawiti, K. M. (2015). Novel Prefix Tri-Literal Word Analyser: Rule-Based Approach. Journal of Computer Science, 11(4), 627-638.

  • 1 Citations



  • Morphological Analyser
  • Stemmer
  • Semitic
  • Hamzated
  • Doubled
  • Hollow
  • Defective
  • Roots
  • Stems