Research Article Open Access

Operation of Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Compatibility Towards Technical Advancement

J. Venkatesh1, C. Aarthy1, S. Thenmozhi2 and P. Balasubramanie3
  • 1 Anna University Chennai, India
  • 2 Gnanamani College of Technology, India
  • 3 Kongu Engineering College, India


The Execution of ERP systems has been perplexing factor for many firms. Many establishments have accepted that the operation of ERP system is a massive hindrance until the flow of process is organized carefully. As information technology is booming its prerequisite for organizations to realize the prominence of technical advancement and compatibility in work environment. A complete review was done to ascertain the features and strategic aids of ERP enactments using the retorts from 120 firms. The respondents were approached with orderly framed questionnaires, thereby giving them ample time to come out with their own thoughts. The effects of this learning provide assistance for the vendors, higher officials and ERP specialists to be more competent in handling the execution of ERP with their inadequate possessions there by augmenting the business. It acts a pathway for the concerns to realize their potent and extend their business platform.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 9 No. 2, 2013, 169-175


Submitted On: 10 June 2012 Published On: 1 April 2013

How to Cite: Venkatesh, J., Aarthy, C., Thenmozhi, S. & Balasubramanie, P. (2013). Operation of Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Compatibility Towards Technical Advancement. Journal of Computer Science, 9(2), 169-175.

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  • Interdependencies
  • Threats
  • Project Intricacy
  • Manufacturing Services