Research Article Open Access

Anti-hyperglycaemic and Anti-obesity Effects of Capparis spinosa and Chamaemelum nobile Aqueous Extracts in HFD Mice

A. Lemhadri, Mohamed Eddouks, Thierry Sulpice and Remy Burcelin


This study was undertaken in order to evaluate the possible anti-hyperglycaemic and body weight reducing activities of the aqueous extract of both Capparis spinosa (CS) and Chamaemelum nobile (CN) (20 mg/kg-1). The results demonstrate clearly that repeated oral administration of both CS and CN aqueous extract evoked a potent anti-hyperglycaemic activity in high fat diet (HFD) obese mice. Postprandial hyperglycaemic peaks were significantly lower in plant-treated experimental groups. In other hand, body weight was significantly lower in CS and CN-treated groups when compared to the control one after daily oral administration of CS and CN aqueous extracts for 15 days. We can conclude that these plants evoked potent anti-hyperglycaemic and anti-obesity effects. This fact could support their use by the Moroccan population for diabetes control and treatment.

American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Volume 2 No. 3, 2007, 106-110


Submitted On: 2 March 2007 Published On: 30 September 2007

How to Cite: Lemhadri, A., Eddouks, M., Sulpice, T. & Burcelin, R. (2007). Anti-hyperglycaemic and Anti-obesity Effects of Capparis spinosa and Chamaemelum nobile Aqueous Extracts in HFD Mice. American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2(3), 106-110.

  • 28 Citations



  • High fat diet
  • obesity
  • oral administration
  • body weight
  • mice