Investigation Open Access

Estimate of Damage on Mesquite Pods and Seeds (Prosopis laevigata (Willd) M.C. Johnst) (Mimosoideae) Caused by Bruchids (COLEOPTERA) in the Municipality of Durango, Durango, Mexico

Karina Lisbet Reséndez-Velázquez1 and María Pioquinta González-Castillo1
  • 1 Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Integral Regional Development-Durango, National Polytechnique Institute (CIIDIR-IPN-Dgo), Durango, Durango, Mexico


Damage caused by weevils or bruchids in mesquite plants (Prosopis laevigata), in the municipality of Durango was established by infestation index. Immature and mature pods were obtained from 22 bushes during the months of June to September 2013. The pods were placed in emergence chambers, maintained at a temperature of 35±2°C and 70±10% RH, until adults were obtained. In June, 1,761 immature pods were obtained of which 76% were damaged (perforations); in August 713 mature pods were obtained with 90% damage. Observed bruchids species feeding on the pods and seed of mesquite were Algarobius prosopis and Mimosestes amicus (Bruchinae) with relative abundance of 76 and 19% respectively and an average infestation index of 83,2% on pods. Natural enemies that were present were the parasitoids Urosigalphus sp. (Braconidae) and Horismenus missouriensis (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) with 2% relative abundance. From the total 105 pods damaged by insects, 1, 188 seeds had 69, 2% bruchid damage. Bruchids control is necessary in order to be able to obtain benefits from the mesquite pods and this can be done mainly through parasitoids that are associated with them. This electronic document is a “live” template. The various components of your paper [title, text, tables, figures and references] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document.

American Journal of Applied Sciences
Volume 13 No. 5, 2016, 533-539


Submitted On: 11 December 2015 Published On: 10 May 2016

How to Cite: Reséndez-Velázquez, K. L. & González-Castillo, M. P. (2016). Estimate of Damage on Mesquite Pods and Seeds (Prosopis laevigata (Willd) M.C. Johnst) (Mimosoideae) Caused by Bruchids (COLEOPTERA) in the Municipality of Durango, Durango, Mexico. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 13(5), 533-539.

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  • Infestation Index
  • Algarobius prosopis
  • Mimosestes amicus
  • Parasitoids