- 1 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Street, 18, Kazan 420008, Russia
The task of this article is: To reveal the essence and content of the notion "corporate education"; to identify features of modern corporate education models; to develop classification of corporate education types and forms and to give their theoretical distifying. The research is based on a comparative approach, which allows to identify the features of the models, types and forms of corporate education suitable for their use according to socio-economic conditions and the enterprises needs in their employees training. The study reveals the main point of such corporate education models as problem-oriented, complementary, displacing, innovative, personality-oriented, informational-consultative, metacognitive, multiplication, leader, corporate education and corporate competition models, which exist in corporate training practice. The main focus is made on the theoretical justification of types and forms of specialists' corporate education in modern enterprises and on the development of their classification at the local, scale, time purpose peculiarities of which are disclosed in the presented types and forms of corporate training. Their kinds and forms selection in corporate training process is resulted from socio-economic and organizational-pedagogical conditions of enterprises to implement their staff training. The classification of types and forms of corporate training can be useful for teaching and methodical centers of the enterprises in their personnel in-house training organization and planning, for training centers and workers, specialists and enterprises and organizations managers training, as well as for researchers, who is involved in structural and systemic analysis of corporate education problems. On the effectiveness of companies corporate training does not affect chaotic using of the presented forms and types as of in-company, so of out-of company training, but their system integrity and consequent combination.
Copyright: © 2014 Alfiya Rafisovna Masalimova and Lidiya Leonidovna Sabirova. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 9 Citations
- Modern Industry
- Corporate Ideology
- Multi-Dimensional Classification
- Types and Forms of Corporate Education
- In-House Training Models