A Unique Novel Approach for Design and Analysis of A Robust Decentralized Self-Tuning Fuzzy PI Controller for a Multi Input Multi Output Process
- 1 Department of EEE, Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil TamilNadu, India
- 2 Department of EEE,CSI Institute of Technology, Thovalai, TamilNadu,
Problem statement: In the real world most of the controlled processes in industries are Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) in nature.They have more than a single controlled variable that should be manipulated in order to achieve the desired control performance. Approach: Control of non linear Multi Input Multi Output processes, it is a difficult task because of the non stationary behaviour, substantial coupling of multiple variables and severe disturbances. Self tuning fuzzy control is a technique applied to control a MIMO process when the plant parameters are subjected to perturbations and when the dynamics of the systems are too complex for a mathematical model to describe. In this study, a decentralized self tuning fuzzy PI controller is designed for a Multi Input Multi Output Process. Results: The performances of the proposed STFPIC for the MIMO process are compared with fuzzy PI controller under both normal and under -10% deviation in time constant in terms of the performance measure Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE). Conclusion: The proposed STFPIC for the MIMO process shows remarkably improved performance than FPIC.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2012.331.336
Copyright: © 2012 P. Sujatha Therese and N. Kesavan Nair. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 5 Citations
- Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC's)
- Proportional Integral (PI)
- Membership Functions (MF's)
- Relative Gain Array (RGA)