Utilization of Bone Adhesive to Produce Particleboards from Stems of Cotton Plant at the Pressing Temperature of 140°C
- 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Design, Unit of Research on Agroresources and Environmental Health, University of Lome, B.P. 1515 Lome, Togo
- 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering and Design, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard, 90010 BELFORT, Cedex, France
Problem statement: To value agricultural residues, a study was carried out to investigate mechanical and physical properties of particleboards produced from stems of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by using bone adhesive. Approach: In order to obtain particleboards with minimum physical and mechanical properties as required in the conventional standards for general purpose particleboards, the optimum pressure temperature and the optimum pressure time and density used in this study, were respectively 140°C, 10-15 min and about 0.6-0,671 g cm−3. The optimum value of bone adhesive used in particleboards was 10%. The Modulus Of Elasticity (MOE), Modulus Of Rupture (MOR), Traction strain (Rr) and water absorption were determined at the pressure temperature of 140°C. Results: The results revealed that the density of particleboards obtained from cotton plant at 140°C have neither notable influence on their mechanical properties, nor evolve in the same way as the constant mechanics of the particleboards. Conclusion: The bone adhesive could be used in particleboards production from the chips of cotton instead of the conventional binders which create the environmental problems.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2011.318.322
Copyright: © 2011 Komi Kadja, Magolmeena Banna, Kokou Esso Atcholi and Komla Sanda. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 1 Citations
- Bone adhesive
- modulus of elasticity
- modulus of rupture
- rate of adhesive
- water absorption
- Modulus Of Elasticity (MOE)
- Modulus Of Rupture (MOR)