Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Interaction in Nickel Base Supper Alloy
Most engineering components which operate at elevated temperatures are subjected to non-steady loading during service. This paper describes the current fracture mechanics concepts that are employed to predict cracking of Nickel base supper alloy materials at high temperatures under low and high frequency cyclic loading. A model for predicting creep crack growth in terms of C* and the creep uniaxial ductility is presented at low frequency and at high frequency power law relation is used to predict the crack growth rate. When dealing with creep/fatigue interaction a simple cumulative damage concept with fractography evidence is used to predict the crack growth rate. It is shown that these models give good agreement with the experimental results.
Copyright: © 2008 F. Djavanroodi. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 24 Citations
- Fracture mechanics
- Nickel base supper alloy
- creep
- creep/fatigue interaction
- fatigue