Research Article Open Access

Impact of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) in Routing and Wavelength Assignment

Tan Saw Chin, F.M. Abbou and Ewe Hong Tat


The impact of Four-Wave-Mixing (FWM) is investigated using the proposed Assign Shortest Path First (ASPF) algorithm for wavelength assignment in Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA). Results show that ASPF algorithm indulges more FWM crosstalk in high optical channels for all input light power and low input power able to reduce he effect of FWM. The blocking probability due to FWM effects is approaching idea case when input power is less than or equal to 10 mW. Furthermore when the input light power is 15 mW, the blocking due to FWM crosstalk is extremely high. Thus, careful optical channel capacity, low FWM crosstalk, low input light power and a FWM-aware wavelength assignment algorithm are strongly desired for the accomplishment of efficient and high capacity WDM transparent optical network.

American Journal of Applied Sciences
Volume 5 No. 8, 2008, 1059-1063


Submitted On: 10 September 2007 Published On: 31 August 2008

How to Cite: Chin, T. S., Abbou, F. & Tat, E. H. (2008). Impact of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) in Routing and Wavelength Assignment. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(8), 1059-1063.

  • 9 Citations



  • Four wave mixing
  • shortest path algorithm
  • RWA