Research Article Open Access

3D Mesh Streaming based on Predictive Modeling

V. Vani1, R. Pradeep Kumar1 and S. Mohan1
  • 1 Anna University of Technology, India


The complexity in 3D virtual environment over the web is growing rapidly every day. This 3D virtual environment comprises a set of structured scenes and each scene has multiple 3D objects/meshes. Therefore the granular level of the block in a virtual environment is the object. In a virtual environment, it is required to give user interactions for every 3D object and at any point of time, it is enough if the system streams and brings in only the visible portion of the object from the server to the client by utilizing the limited network bandwidth and the limited client memory space. This streaming would reduce the time to present the rendered object to the requested clients. Further to reduce the time and effectively utilize the bandwidth and memory space, in the proposed study, an attempt is made to exploit the user interaction on 3D object and built a predictive agent which would minimize the latency in the rendering of the 3D mesh that is being streamed. The experiment result shows that the rendering time and cache miss rates are significantly reduced with the predictive agent.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 8 No. 7, 2012, 1123-1133


Submitted On: 21 March 2012 Published On: 7 June 2012

How to Cite: Vani, V., Kumar, R. P. & Mohan, S. (2012). 3D Mesh Streaming based on Predictive Modeling. Journal of Computer Science, 8(7), 1123-1133.

  • 7 Citations



  • 3D virtual environment
  • Predictive Modeling (PrM)
  • 3D streaming
  • 3D rendering
  • 3D mesh
  • visibility culler
  • user profiling
  • operation profiling