@article {10.3844/jssp.2017.184.196, article_type = {journal}, title = {Problematizing Fragmentation of Environment Governance in Cambodia -Revisiting Weber’s ‘Objectivity’-}, author = {Yokoyama, Taizo}, volume = {13}, year = {2017}, month = {Nov}, pages = {184-196}, doi = {10.3844/jssp.2017.184.196}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/jssp.2017.184.196}, abstract = {This theoretical study problematizes fragmented policies and governances of environment in Cambodia, drawing on some case studies of decentralization policy. The analysis through extensive literature review ascribes the cause of fragmentation to international aid dependence, which allows scientists to intervene in developing governance reform and policy-making process under the name of Technical-Assistance. The nature of social science will be examined by detailing Max Weber’s proposition that signals a limitation of science methodology in developing social policy. The exploration distinguishes two modes of human thinking to explain the cause of fragmentation: ‘analytical/calculative thinking’ and ‘reflective thinking’. Through the above theoretical investigation, the result indicates a need of a new educational program that fosters ‘reflective thinking’ and dialogue among different disciplines and sectors for adaptive policy-governance assistance.}, journal = {Journal of Social Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }