@article {10.3844/jssp.2014.123.142, article_type = {journal}, title = {RELATIONSHIP AMONG E-SERVICE QUALITY, CULTURE, ATTITUDE, TRUST, RISK OF ONLINE SHOPPING}, author = {Yusoff, Rushami Zien and Al-Nasser, Mohammad and Islam, Rabiul and Al-Nasser, Abdullah}, volume = {10}, year = {2014}, month = {Dec}, pages = {123-142}, doi = {10.3844/jssp.2014.123.142}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/jssp.2014.123.142}, abstract = {Purchasing is considered a risky business specifically in the online purchasing environment. The research was designed to fill the gap in the existing body of knowledge regarding attitudes and differences in electronic service quality perception between two different geographical and cultural countries-Malaysia and Saudi Arabia-regarding online shopping. Specifically, this research extended previous effort done in an online shopping context by providing evidence that high service quality increase consumers’ trust perception, which in turn results in favorable attitude toward online shopping, with risk perception on consumer’s trust. Findings indicated differences between Saudis and Malaysians in e-service quality perception. Also attitude toward online shopping was affected by e-service quality perception, but it had mediated effects through trust. Finally, researcher found that perceived risk moderated the relationship between e-service quality and trust. The findings provide practical suggestions for managers on how to develop consumer trust online and enhance purchase attitude even when customers have high risk perception. E-service quality should strongly influence trust for individuals with a higher perceived risk associated with online purchase in comparison to those with a lower perceived risk.}, journal = {Journal of Social Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }