@article {10.3844/jmssp.2012.241.247, article_type = {journal}, title = {Foldings and Deformation Retract of Hyperhelix}, author = {AL-Hesiny, E. and El-Ahmady, A. E.}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, month = {Jun}, pages = {241-247}, doi = {10.3844/jmssp.2012.241.247}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/jmssp.2012.241.247}, abstract = {Our aim in the present study is to introduce and study new types of retractions of hyperhelix in Minkowski space. Types of the deformation retracts of hyperhelix in Minkowski space were discussed. The relations between the foldings and the deformation retracts of hyperhelix in Minkowski space were deduced. Types of minimal retractions of hyperhelix in Minkowski space were obtained. Also, the connection between retractions and T, N, B, K and τ, of hyperhelix in Minkowski space were presented. New types of the minimal retractions and the end of the limits of foldings of hyperhelix in Minkowski space are deduced.}, journal = {Journal of Mathematics and Statistics}, publisher = {Science Publications} }