TY - JOUR AU - Ngoma, Gilbert AU - Ngavouka, Maryse Dadina Nkoua AU - Houari, Azeddine AU - Messo, Léonide AU - M’Passi-Mabiala, Bernard PY - 2025 TI - Analysis of the Operation of DC Interconnected Households PV under Weather Conditions JF - American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences VL - 18 IS - 1 DO - 10.3844/ajeassp.2025.11.27 UR - https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajeassp.2025.11.27 AB - Installing Photovoltaic (PV) systems is becoming a viable solution for rural areas, with an innovative approach consisting of interconnecting autonomous PV-powered households. This study analyses the performance of interconnected autonomous PV households under different weather conditions using the Matlab Simulink R2016a software. Over and above this interconnection analysis, in this study, a new mathematical model to predict PV power is also proposed and compared to the simulation's results and other approaches allowing to prosumer to control their interconnection to others. The interconnection demonstrated the improving performance of microgrids and mutual energy compensation, increasing efficiency by 9% in houses with a deficit. To manage the energy flow of these autonomous houses, the households' energy management is independent and the bus Voltage (Vdc) is maintained at around 52V, corresponding to the maximum bus voltage setpoint, thanks to integrated Proportional control (PI). The results of the simulation of the interconnection using the Matlab Simulink R2016a software show that irradiation and temperature have an impact on photovoltaic production and the results of the new mathematical approach are approximately 2% of those of the simulations.