@article {10.3844/ajavsp.2024.444.449, article_type = {journal}, title = {Oat Pellets and Hay in Alpacas of Pastures of the Andean Zone, Perú}, author = {Altamirano, Marcial Enciso and Delgado, Jimny Núñez and Sotelo-Méndez, Alejandrina and Ruiz-Camacho, Wilfredo and Ramirez, Ítalo Maldonado and Rivadeneira, Juan Eduardo Suarez}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, year = {2025}, month = {Mar}, pages = {444-449}, doi = {10.3844/ajavsp.2024.444.449}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajavsp.2024.444.449}, abstract = {The research was carried out at the INIA's Quimsachata experimental center in Puno, Peru; with the purpose of evaluating oat pellets and hay in Alpaca pastures in the Andean Zone. A total of Sixty-three 15-month-old female alpacas were used to evaluate their weight gain and feed consumption. The experiment was conducted with three treatments and 21 replicates under a completely randomized design where three sub-samples were included for weight gain. The results showed that weight gain varied significantly (p}, journal = {American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }