@article {10.3844/ajassp.2025.1.9, article_type = {journal}, title = {Resource Pooling Coupled with Power Adaptation for the Management of Interferences between Cellular and D2D Communications in 5G}, author = {Michel, Deussom Djomadji Eric and Eric Michel, Deussom Djomadji and Arsene, Mengoumou Abessolo}, volume = {22}, year = {2025}, month = {Mar}, pages = {1-9}, doi = {10.3844/ajassp.2025.1.9}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajassp.2025.1.9}, abstract = {As telecommunication networks are booming, we are witnessing an ever-increasing evolution of network generations. These evolutions are due both to the ever-higher demands of subscribers and services. Thus, the world we live in is moving towards a global interconnection of information systems and equipment, with an ever-increasing demand in terms of throughput, in terms of low latency, and reliability. This is why we have seen the evolution from the First-Generation Network (1G) to the Fifth Generation (5G) nowadays. Being in the era of the fifth generation, there are several objectives that must be achieved, namely: Ultra-high-speed communication, low latency, ultra-reliable communication, and a large number of objects communicating with each other. However, if the communication is to be done while respecting all these constraints, the network access nodes may be overloaded. Thus, D2D technology ensures communication between a large number of objects in the network; it helps relieve the load on network access nodes such as geodes. In this study, we focused on D2D communication reusing the spectral resources allocated to cellular users, which is the case of In-Band Underlay. Although this type of communication is very advantageous, it creates several interferences in traditional cellular communication. This study's objective aimed to reduce these interferences created in cellular communication, in particular and, in a secondary way, in D2D communication through the use of a Resource Pooling algorithm coupled with Power Adaptation.}, journal = {American Journal of Applied Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }