@article {10.3844/ajassp.2024.28.40, article_type = {journal}, title = {The Impact of XRF-Escape on Energy Resolution of NaI: Tl Scintillation Detectors for Medical Imaging or Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy}, author = {Scafè, Raffaele and Puccini, Marco and Pellegrini, Rosanna and Pani, Roberto}, volume = {21}, year = {2024}, month = {Jul}, pages = {28-40}, doi = {10.3844/ajassp.2024.28.40}, url = {https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajassp.2024.28.40}, abstract = {The effect of escape of X-ray fluorescence from scintillator elemental components on the detector energy resolution is investigated from a spectroscopic standpoint, for monolithic and pixelated crystals. Along with these, any other emissions in a given region of interest were also considered. In present spectral evaluations a range of ratios between the areas of the peaks (XRFesc) to (XRFesc + photoelectric) has been a priori set from 0-50%, according to literature indications, by 10% steps. At the upper extremes of these ratio values, maximum worsening in energy resolution values just below 40%, just above 10% and just below 10% have been estimated for the interest regions of Tc-99 and F-18e Cs-137, respectively. The inter-crystal XRF-escape is suggested to be considered among the effects producing image blurring in segmented scintillators due to the spread of events between neighbor pixels}, journal = {American Journal of Applied Sciences}, publisher = {Science Publications} }