Research Article Open Access

Managers Empowering Employees

J.D. Tony Carter1
  • 1 University of New Haven, United States


Problem statement: This article looked at the behavior of organizations as an important factor for empowering employees. This allowed for a greater level of partnering between managers and employees. The more that top management wants an internal commitment from its employees, the more it must involve employees in defining work objectives, specifying how to achieve them and setting stretch targets. Develop and improved and practical empowerment model that applies systems theory and socialization theory. Approach: A series of focus group meetings were conducted with managers and employees of 310 companies throughout the United States, Europe and China and were asked questions regarding employee productivity when empowered by management, the importance of increased employee performance, measurement of employee performance, importance of socialized employees in organizations and the role of systemic thinking in management decision making. Results: The findings said that most employees were more productive when empowered by management, almost all firms recognize the importance of increased employee performance and measure it. Last, most firms find socialized employees important to have in their organizations many firms feel that systemic thinking assists managers with decision making. Conclusion: More responsibility generates greater productivity, morale and commitment. Empowerment fosters innovation, creativity, motivation and instills shared values to promote and atmosphere for learning and accomplishment.

American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
Volume 1 No. 2, 2009, 41-46


Submitted On: 12 March 2009 Published On: 30 June 2009

How to Cite: Carter, J. T. (2009). Managers Empowering Employees. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 1(2), 41-46.

  • 2 Citations



  • Systems theory
  • socialization theory
  • empowerment
  • management performance