The Impact of CRM on the Customer Satisfaction in Agricultural Bank
- 1 Payame Noor University, Iran
Problem statement: There is much research on this subject, but none of them is about the use of customer relationship management for boosting the bank customer satisfaction. While we have not any study about customer satisfaction in Agricultural Bank especially in Qom providence. Approach: The research method was applied one and from viewpoint of the process, was considered to be descriptive-survey. This research in which statistical analysis methods, such as Friedman’s variance analysis, binomial test as well as single-sample Student’s t test, were used. Since there were numerous samples in the research population (which includes the customers of Agricultural Bank), it was supposed to be infinite. Simple random sampling method had been used to determine the number of the customers of Qom province’s Agricultural Bank among which 384 the sample size for this statistical research. At the present research, customer relationship management was considered to be an independent variable: its variables included services quality, access to services and their properties. Office of customer complaints was considered as an independent variable, while the customer satisfaction is a dependent variable. Results: Considering the table results, highest rank was related to services access with a mean rank of 2.96 while lowest rank with the mean value of 2.18, is for the office of customer complaints. Considering the results of the table above it can be found that for the bank referrers, "to behave respectfully" and "not be tiresome the queue" were considered as the most and the least important indexes, respectively, finally let to confirm all hypotheses. Conclusion: As per research result, there was positive relationship between customer relationship management and customer satisfaction in Agricultural Bank, Qom providence. Since the suggestions will be proposed based on the results obtained from hypothesis testing, recommendation had been mentioned for boosting the customer satisfaction.
Copyright: © 2009 Mohammad Ali Sarlak and Rasool Sanavi Fard. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 3 Citations
- Services access
- service quality
- property of services
- office of the customer complaints