Research Article Open Access

Comparative Analysis of Skid Resistance for Different Roadway Surface Treatments

Osama A. Abaza1, Tanay Datta Chowdhury1 and Mahmoud Arafat1
  • 1 University of Alaska Anchorage, United States


Pavement skid resistance impacts road functionality and can affect user safety and vehicle operation costs. This study was an investigation of the effect of sealcoats on skid resistance. Seven different sealcoats-fog seal, chip seal, slurry seal, sand seal, high-friction seal, cape seal, and glass seal-were lab and field tested. Laboratory samples were further tested in the field on pavement sections. To validate lab and field tests, high-friction seal was tested on recently placed pavement sections in Anchorage, Alaska. The British Pendulum tester was used to measure sealcoat skid resistance. A minimum of 40 randomized readings from the lab and field were sorted. Statistical analysis of lab and field data showed insignificant differences between all sealcoat types with the exception of cape seal. The mean skid resistance of sealcoats indicated a preference for high-friction and glass seals. On average, high-friction and glass seals had skid numbers close to 40, providing effective skid resistance as well as safer riding quality. The field and lab data of high-friction sealcoat were validated on recently paved roads in Anchorage. The results highlighted the consistency of skid resistance measurements for the three types of testing conditions (lab, field, and real roadway) for high-friction sealcoat.

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 10 No. 4, 2017, 890-899


Submitted On: 22 September 2017 Published On: 10 November 2017

How to Cite: Abaza, O. A., Chowdhury, T. D. & Arafat, M. (2017). Comparative Analysis of Skid Resistance for Different Roadway Surface Treatments. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10(4), 890-899.

  • 59 Citations



  • Skid Resistance
  • Sealcoats
  • British Pendulum Tester
  • High Friction