VHDL Modeling, Simulation and Prototyping of a Novel Arbitrary Signal Generation System
- 1 King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Problem statement: Arbitrary signal generators play an important role in many applications. Several different techniques utilizing both analog and digital approaches are being used for the generation of periodic signals. However, all of them suffer from many drawbacks. In this study, we present modeling, simulation and prototyping of a novel periodic arbitrary signal generation system using FPGAs. The proposed system utilizes orthogonal functions to generate a variety of periodic arbitrary signals. Approach: A new approach for designing arbitrary signals utilizing Walsh and Rademacher functions had been used. The design had been done using state-of-the-art high level design techniques and has been targeted to the latest available FPGA chips from Xilinx and Altera. Results: The simulation results demonstrated both the digital and analog versions were presented. It was found that all the signals generated showed precisely zero error and the signal generated was exactly the same as the desired one. Conclusion: Excellent accuracy with zero error is achieved. The designed and implemented Arbitrary signal Generation System is stand-alone and doesn’t require the support of any computer hardware or software, as was needed in earlier attempts It has been concluded that virtually any periodic signal can be generated using the technique developed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/ajeassp.2010.670.677
Copyright: © 2010 S. A. Abbasi, A. R.M. Alamoud and J.M. Al Shahrani. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 2 Citations
- Field programmable gate arrays
- hardware design languages
- signal generators
- Walsh analyze