Research Article Open Access

Thermal Effusivity Measurement of Virgin Coconut Oil-Methanol Mixtures using Photoacoustic Technique

Firas Kamel Mohamad Al-asfoor1, W. Mahmood Mat Yunus1, Azmi Zakaria1, Mohd Maarof Moksin1, Noor Jawad Ridha1 and L.Y.C. Josephine1
  • 1 Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia


Thermal effusivity of virgin coconut oil-methanol mixtures were measured using open photoacoustic cell technique. The samples were prepared by simply mixing virgin coconut oil and methanol using similar procedure applied for preparation of biodisel. Thermal effusivity of the sample was obtained by fitting the experimental data of photoacoustic amplitude signal to the expression of photoacoustic signal as a function of chopping frequency. Thermal effusivity of mixtures decrease between 0.0851 W s1/2 K-1 cm-2 (pure virgin coconut oil) and 0.0644 W s1/2 K-1 cm-2 (pure methanol) with the increasing of methanol in the mixture.

American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 1 No. 3, 2008, 200-203


Submitted On: 15 August 2008 Published On: 30 September 2008

How to Cite: Al-asfoor, F. K. M., Yunus, W. M. M., Zakaria, A., Moksin, M. M., Ridha, N. J. & Josephine, L. (2008). Thermal Effusivity Measurement of Virgin Coconut Oil-Methanol Mixtures using Photoacoustic Technique . American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(3), 200-203.

  • 5 Citations



  • Photoacoustic cell
  • virgin coconut oil
  • methanol
  • biodisel
  • methanol mixture