Research Article Open Access

The Effectiveness of Teak Wood-Sawdust Liquid Smoke and Areca-Nut Extract as a Pesticide on Pomacea canaliculata

Budy Rahmat1, Fitri Kurniati1 and Lezy Pajar1
  • 1 Department of Agrotechnology, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya City, Indonesia


The present study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Liquidsmoke (LS), Areca-nut extract (AE) and their combination on restriction of golden apple snail (Pomaceacanaliculata) activity, which is known as a major pest in Indonesian rice farms. The experiment conducted under laboratory conditions and each experimental unit consisted of aplastic jar 13 cm in diameter and 15 cm high, which was coverd with gauze which kept 20 snails and fed 2 g/day of the fresh taro leaves, respectively. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The results showed that the treatment using LSconcentration of 15% showed moluscisidal action. LS treatment at concentrations of 5 and 10%; Areca-nut extract (AE) treatment at concentrations of 5,10 and 15%; and a mixture of LS and AE at a concentration of 5.10, and 15% proved not to have a significant effect.

American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Volume 14 No. 1, 2019, 69-74


Submitted On: 20 May 2019 Published On: 29 July 2019

How to Cite: Rahmat, B., Kurniati, F. & Pajar, L. (2019). The Effectiveness of Teak Wood-Sawdust Liquid Smoke and Areca-Nut Extract as a Pesticide on Pomacea canaliculata . American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 14(1), 69-74.

  • 7 Citations



  • Areca Extract
  • Molluscicide
  • Pomacea canaliculata