Generation of Five New Musa Hybrids With Resistance To Black Sigatoka and High Yield
- 1 Centro para la Transformación Agrícola Sostenible (CETAS), Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuatro Caminos, CP 59430, Cienfuegos, Cuba
- 2 nstituto de Investigaciones en Viandas Tropicales. (INIVIT). Finca Tres Carolinas, Apartado 6, Santo Domingo, CP 53000, Villa.Clara, Cuba
- 3 Laboratorio de Biotecnología y Ecología Aplicada. Universidad Veracruzana Culturas Veracruzanas No 101. Col E. Zapata CP 91090, Xalapa, Ver, Mexico
- 4 Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal. Universidad de Oviedo c/ Cat. Rodrigo Uría, s/n, CP 33071 Oviedo, Mexico
The ability to identify genetic variation is indispensable to effective management and use of genetic resources. This work is the first approach concerning to generation and genetic differentiation of new Musa hybrid lines obtained in INIVIT (Cuba), crossing Musa acuminata male diploid (AA) x female triploid (ABB), genotypes selected by their resistant character to pests and diseases. From the obtained hybrids, only five were chosen because of their agronomic behavior and were genetically discriminated among them and also respect to the commercial clone FHIA-18 by AFLP polymorphism. Thanks to this prior genetic characterization Musa breeding programs could be consistently dinamised.
Copyright: © 2007 Ricardo Hernández, Teresa Ramírez, Juan Carlos Noa-Carrazana, Roberto Rodríguez-Fernández, Maria Jesus Cañal, Norma Flores-Estévez, Miguel Corujo, Carlos Noceda and José C. Ventura. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 3 Citations
- Banana
- black sigatoka
- hydric stress
- AFLP profiles
- Musa
- silver staining
- DNA extraction