Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Md. Shariful Haque Author-Name: A. M. Shahabuddin Author-Name: Mohammad Emdad Hossain Author-Name: Kulsuma Akter Author-Name: Sayema Hoque Title: Customers Perceptions to Accept the Islamic Credit Card (ICC) in Bangladesh Abstract:

The survey study is conducted to measure knowledge of ICC, attitude towards ICC, perceived usefulness of ICC and its shariah compliance to ICC factor with the demographic variables that influence the acceptance of ICC. In the study, opinion from 400 respondents is collected on a five-point Likert scale by survey questionnaire method in purposeful sampling in randomized block design via e-mail, WhatsApp, and in-person. There is no significant effect of ICC knowledge on the acceptance of ICC. Moderate effect of attitude towards ICC and strong effect on perceived usefulness to ICC and shariah compliance to ICC in the acceptance of ICC. The survey results identify that the banker profession has a significantly higher positive perception than customer acceptance of ICC. Gender (male and female) and religion (Muslim, Hindu and other) have no significant effect on accepting the ICC. However, the middle age group (30-50 years) has a higher perception of accepting ICC than the lower (less than 30 years) and upper (more than 50 years) age group respondents. Also, the middle-income group (30000-60000 taka per month) has a higher perception of accepting ICC than the lower (less than 30000 takas per month) and upper (more than 60000 takas per month) income group respondents. The study result may be utilized in policy decisions to increase and popularize the ICC market in Bangladesh.

Keywords: Islamic Credit Card, Shariah, Acceptance Journal: American Journal of Economics and Business Administration Pages: 31-43 Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Year: 2023 Month: November DOI: 10.3844/ajebasp.2023.31.43 File-URL: https://thescipub.com/pdf/ajebasp.2023.31.43.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-URL: https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajebasp.2023.31.43 File-Format: text/html Handle: RePEc:abk:jajeba:ajebasp.2023.31.43