Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0
Author-Name: Syerina Azlin Md Nasir
Author-Name: Nor Laila Md Noor
Title: Automating the Mapping Process of Traditional Malay Textile Knowledge Model with the Core Ontology
Abstract: Problem statement: The wave of ontology has spread drastically in the cultural heritage domain. The impact can be seen from the growing number of cultural heritage web information systems, available textile ontology and harmonization works with the core ontology, CIDOC CRM. The aim of this study is to provide a base for common views in automating the process of mapping between revised TMT Knowledge Model and CIDOC CRM. Approach: Manual mapping was conducted to find similar or overlapping concepts which are aligned to each other in order to achieve ontology similarity. This is achieved after TMT Knowledge Model already undergone transformation process to match with CIDOC CRM structure. Results: Although there are several problems encountered during mapping process, the result shows an instant view of the classes which are found to be easily mapped between both models. Conclusion/Recommendations: Future research will be focused on the construction of Batik Heritage Ontology by using the mapping result obtained in this study. Further testing, evaluation and refinement by using the real collections of cultural artifacts within museums will also be conducted in the near future.
Keywords: Automated mapping, common view, cultural heritage, core ontology
Journal: American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
Pages: 191-196
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Year: 2011
Month: January
DOI: 10.3844/ajebasp.2011.191.196
File-URL: https://thescipub.com/pdf/ajebasp.2011.191.196.pdf
File-Format: Application/pdf
File-URL: https://thescipub.com/abstract/ajebasp.2011.191.196
File-Format: text/html
Handle: RePEc:abk:jajeba:ajebasp.2011.191.196