Space Science International

Black Holes, Exoplanets and Galaxies


The Special Issue provides an overview of research results in Black Holes, new Exoplanets, near and far Galaxies. Planet Earth found in the Milky Way as one of the Solar system planets lies in the habitable zone of a class G-Star. In other galaxies brighter and darker star types can be found, as well as phenomena like Pulsars, Black Holes, Dwarfs, Exoplanets, Nebulae et. al. Discovering further Exoplanets and Galaxies is a gain of knowledge about how the Cosmos is built up and how living systems can occur. From Black Holes as one phenomenon, where large entities of mass can flow in, information about gravity and the construction of space can be enhanced. Current questions in research involve the exact flow of mass entering a Black Hole and where and in what kind of arrangement and grouping an entity approaches the center of a Black Hole. Other open questions in Black Hole research involve e.g. the singularity in the center of Black Holes.


Christina PospisilPhysics, Mathematics and Computer Science Department, University of Massachusetts Boston

Important Dates

Manuscript Submission Deadline15 November, 2020
Review Completed by15 December, 2020
Possible Publication Date15 January, 2021