Research Article Open Access

Examination of Plastic Filter on 1×N Fused-Taper-Twisted Polymer Optical Fiber Demultiplexer

Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman1 and Latifah Sarah Supian1
  • 1 University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia


Problem statement: In this study we propose the examination of the plastic filter on 1×3 POF demultiplexer. Approach: Three wavelengths are injected to the device which then split into three branches. Each branch is filtered by using specific color according to the pass through wavelength. Results: The developed demultiplexer is tested by transmitting signals through the polymer fiber-optic (10 meters length) and the resultingsignalis detectedusing anoscilloscope. The detectedsignalhas anoutputpower of1.68V from peaktopeak. Conclusion: From the results, it is shown thatthe WDM system has solved this problem by increasing the bandwidth in order to send larger data in faster and effectively way. System performance that use WDM concept has influenced this method especially in short-range communication system.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 8 No. 9, 2012, 1478-1481


Submitted On: 28 February 2012 Published On: 10 August 2012

How to Cite: Ab-Rahman, M. S. & Supian, L. S. (2012). Examination of Plastic Filter on 1×N Fused-Taper-Twisted Polymer Optical Fiber Demultiplexer. Journal of Computer Science, 8(9), 1478-1481.

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  • Demultiplexer
  • Polymer Optical Fiber (POF)
  • fused-taper-twisted fiber
  • optical splitter
  • filter