Research Article Open Access

Design and Implementation of Parallel Subunit for Synthesis Mathematical Models

Issa M. Shehabat


Problem statement: Mathematical modeling of different natural and technical objects and processes is one of the most important directions that needs high performance computing with huge memory. To reduce the computational time and expenses we need to carry out the calculations on specialized subunits. Approach: We described a self-organizing approximation method and introduced a new methodology of structural synthesis of specialized parallel processing subunits for realizing a group method of data handling algorithms. Results: The design procedure of the parallel subunit in addition to the selection of the computing units for this device has been introduced. Conclusion/Recommendations: The Group Method of Data Handling proved to be most effective to solve small and medium-sized problems with continuous output. It was tested on wide range of artificial and real-world problems.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 6 No. 3, 2010, 261-268


Submitted On: 10 January 2010 Published On: 31 March 2010

How to Cite: Shehabat, I. M. (2010). Design and Implementation of Parallel Subunit for Synthesis Mathematical Models. Journal of Computer Science, 6(3), 261-268.

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  • Self-organizing algorithms
  • GMDH
  • parallel subunit