Research Article Open Access

High Quality Komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. nothovar) Production by Using Silicate Minerals Treated Nutrient Solution

Sheheli Islam1, Kumagai Kazunori1, Noriko Takeda1 and Katsumi Ishikawa1
  • 1 Lab of Biological and Environmental Systems, Kochi University, Nankokushi, Monobe B 200, Kochi 783-8502, Japan


Problem statement: Good water quality not only produces good crop yield, but also maintains environmental quality and so with plant, animal and human health. Therefore, protecting the quality of water by using non chemical materials is an emerging issue to be solved. Bakuhan seki having additional negative charge were found to have the capacity of improving condition of water while emitting important minerals essential to life. Because of high cost and scarcity of Bakuhan-seki, experiments continued to find out low cost materials. In this study, a very timely and relevant and costefficient procedure has been described for determining the potential of three minerals of Shikoku Island to improve water quality affecting growth of plants. Approach: Firstly, tap water of Kochi, Japan was treated with different mixtures of silicate minerals and then applied for the germination of Komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. nothovar) seeds. The feasibility of these treatments was investigated by measuring root and shoot length of early seedlings. Results: Treatment with Q4S1 showed the highest elongation of seedling parameters compared to other treatments. Where as results of growth tests using Komatsuna in the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system, showed degree of leaf freshness (SPAD) and dry matter contents were higher than controls. Also amount of K and Mg was found higher in applying silicate mineral treated nutrient solution to Komatsuna plants. Conclusion: Therefore, this nutrient solution treatment system can be expected to be applicable in nutri-culture and hydroponics.

American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Volume 4 No. 1, 2009, 12-17


Submitted On: 5 January 2009 Published On: 31 March 2009

How to Cite: Islam, S., Kazunori, K., Takeda, N. & Ishikawa, K. (2009). High Quality Komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. nothovar) Production by Using Silicate Minerals Treated Nutrient Solution . American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 4(1), 12-17.

  • 7 Citations



  • Komatsuna
  • nutrient solution
  • nutrient film technique
  • silicate minerals